Mine! Mine!! Mine!!! - Sunday, December 4, 2005

Mine! Mine!! Mine!!! is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.
Comic - Livejournal Community - Gallery - Characters
by J. King
Amber was tired. She wanted rest and relaxation, with maybe a candy break in between, when she got home from her trip to the city. What she expected was the neverending work of an Evil Overlord. What she didn't expect was seeing her brother on the floor with one of the citizens of qutopia.
--no rest and relaxation after all.

The first comic Previous comic

Friday, November 11th, 2005
Okay. You may have noticed that the comic is always being updated rather late these days. Unfortunately, November is the month of crazy workloads for me, so updating is going to be sporadic, if I update at all. So right--hopefully things'll get back on track once November passes by, but as of now, the comic is taking a brief hiatus while I try to cope with my mountain of work that needs to be done. Alrighty--that's it for now.

Tuesday, October 18th, 2005
Okay--new updates to the site are up. Firstly, I've replaced the "News" link with one to the livejournal community--you'll get all the news you need either here in this box or there. Also, if you feel like leaving a comment, that's your main means of doing so until I get a shoutbox up. Or something. I've put up a temporary link to my sheezyart account for the "Gallery" and I really have to get on those darned character bios, don't I? Anyway, that's all the important stuff for now.

Saturday, October 15th, 2005
So I've finally gotten everything running smoothly here. *Rejoices* Right--so that aside, some important news items that are occupying my attention right now, the first being the update schedule. I will try to update as often as possible without having to hurriedly pull something like this (this meaning today's comic) out of my butt. However, being the busy student with far too much homework and things to do as is, expect the occasional piece of crap when I'm really pressed for time. If I'm really, really pressed for time, I might stick something up from my old gallery. So yes--I'm thinking of updating once every two days. That ought to give me plenty of time to draw something that isn't terrible.
So as you've probably figured out if you've tried clicking the links at the top of the page, I haven't gotten around to sticking up the other parts of the site. I swear I will get those done as soon as I can. Which, at this rate, could be anytime between now and December. But those are non-vitals anyway. If you really want to look through my gallery, you can always check out my sheezyart account, although I doubt anyone cares that much.
Alrighty! So that about does it for now.

The first comic Previous comic